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“Wildfires across Europe are likened to Dante’s Inferno“
The Times

“Wildfires across Europe are likened to Dante’s Inferno“

“The heatwave brought death and destruction to southern Europe on a scale that left tourist spots resembling Dante’s Inferno yesterday.

“Worse could follow with officials warning that a further expected rise in temperatures this week represented an ‘unfavourable’ outlook likely to add to the death toll and fan the flames of forest fires.

“In the Aquitaine region of southwest France, which is experiencing two ‘exceptional’ forest fires, 14,000 people have been evacuated from homes, hotels and campsites. An area of pine forest equal to the size of Paris has been reduced to embers.

“The fires are already some of the worst experienced in France since 1949, when 50,000 hectares were destroyed and 82 people killed, also in the southwest.”   —Adam Sage, Charles Bremner, Charlie Devereux, Fariha Karim, “Wildfires across Europe are likened to Dante’s inferno,” The Times, July 18, 2022 (retrieved March 20, 2024)

Sighting Citation:

““Wildfires across Europe are likened to Dante’s Inferno“.” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. March 20, 2024.