Danielius Sodeika, Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life (2021)
“Artworks of Danielius Sodeika are self-purposed. He doesn’t make them for himself nor others. They appear to be more like questions leaning towards, like the way to check up if the impulse of the vector has continuance.
“Small-scale sculptural objects from wood, metal, household elements or findings. With their form they remind religious, cultural or archetypal symbols. Storyline is more than in the objects themselves, but also in the spaces between – as signs of invisible power – that tightens chain and breaks the log. Probably it is artist’s way to speak about finality and inevitable entropy – because when it comes – it dominates over all demolishes all other meanings.
“Some artworks are accumulations of time and stories – Cup of the Prophet of Death is filled with bullets collected from the soil in the neighborhood. Some of them might have be laying there since Napoleon times, some have pierced live flesh and brought death. Other artworks are nature‘s ready-mades with just a little touch of an artist‘s hands – Fracture I-II or Shield – body of tree with a poem inside – for the one who is hiding behind.” —Meno Parkas Gallery
Contributed by Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė
Sighting Citation:
“Danielius Sodeika, Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life (2021).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. February 2, 2023. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/exhibit-by-lithuanian-sculptor-danielius-sodeika-2021/.