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Cardini and Cochrane, “Dante’s Inferno as Limericks and Comics” (2020)
The Florentine

Cardini and Cochrane, “Dante’s Inferno as Limericks and Comics” (2020)

“Circle I (the unbaptised)

Underway with the underworld herewith,
and I’m with – no, you’re with – fine, we’re with
the dwellers of Hades
born BCs, not ADs –
not all, but the ones you’d have beer with.” [. . .]    —Harry Cochrane, The Florentine, February 26, 2020

Check out the rest of Cochrane’s limericks and Cardini’s comics here.


Sighting Citation:

“Cardini and Cochrane, “Dante’s Inferno as Limericks and Comics” (2020).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. March 4, 2020.