Beauty Awakens the Soul to Act, Painting by Luciana Palazzolo (2018)
“Black shapes dance across the large paper surface. The texture and viscosity is not homogeneous, because this way I was able to plays with transparency and opaqueness.The close ups show that some areas have the acrylic paint diluted in an almost watercolor. Also I have used pencils of different hardness to draw the lines. This painting can be enjoyed horizontally or vertically. It would be shipped to the collector rolled up in a tube, which would cut down considerably the shipping cost.” –“About the Artwork,” Saatchi Art
“I produced a Dante’s Inferno series, a Joy series influenced by the work of Pollock, at the moment I am working on an Entanglement theme, where the line represent our lives, the paths that we have taken or could have taken. The lighter pencil marks are choices we didn’t make, the darker ink ones the decisions we made and marks we made on people and events.” –From Luciana Palazzolo’s profile on Saatchi Art
View more works by Luciana Palazzolo here.
“Beauty awakens the soul to act” is a translation of Dante’s “L’animo … dal piacere in atto è desto” (Purg. 18.19-21). See other references to the verse by clicking the link below.
Sighting Citation:
“Beauty Awakens the Soul to Act, Painting by Luciana Palazzolo (2018).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. November 25, 2022.