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“Beauty awakens the soul to act,” Blogpost by Danny Crosby

“Beauty awakens the soul to act,” Blogpost by Danny Crosby

Danny Crosby, in his blogpost, analyzes the concept of beauty by reviewing David Whyte’s book —CONSOLATIONS: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words.

“Now as if by chance, or not, the very same day that the book arrived a friend of mine posted a ‘meme’ on social media which read ‘Beauty awakens the soul to act’, it is a quote by Dante. It struck me powerfully and got me thinking and feeling. I opened my new book and the first subject I happened upon was the piece above on ‘beauty’. I’ve have been contemplating the word ever since as I have witnessed, and remembered the beauty of nature as life has been delighting in its own being once again.”    — Danny Crosby, “Beauty awakens the soul to act,” I Dream of the Ocean, May 16, 2015.

“Beauty awakens the soul to act” is a translation of Dante’s “L’animo … dal piacere in atto è desto” (Purg. 18.19-21). See other references to the verse by clicking the link below.

Sighting Citation:

““Beauty awakens the soul to act,” Blogpost by Danny Crosby.” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. January 16, 2024.