Anthrax, “Medusa” (1985)
Anthrax’s “Medusa” is featured on their 1985 full-length Spreading the Disease. The song includes the lyrics “Endless curse, blood runs cold / Evil stare, will turn your flesh to stone / Land of doom, world of sin / All subside, don’t venture near / The island where she lives / Oh, she’ll suck you in.” These lyrics refer to the fallen angels, Furies, and Medusa, who deny Dante and Virgil entry into the city of Dis in Inferno 8 and 9.
Read more about the song in the Loudwire article by Katy Irizarry, 11 Metal Songs Inspired by Dante’s Inferno.
Sighting Citation:
“Anthrax, “Medusa” (1985).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. November 26, 2021. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/anthrax-medusa-1985/.
Posted November 26, 2021