Cheryl Sorg, Nine Circles of Hell (Dante’s Inferno), detail (2019)
Bibliography of Scholarly Works
The research team at Dante Today continuously seek out and consult scholarly work on the resonance of Dante’s texts across genres, across media, and across cultures. Our bibliography is housed on Zotero, where we actively continue to develop it (last updated 2023). We invite you to consult our public Zotero library, where we have organized scholarly work under the following headings (many citations are cross-posted):
This bibliography is a work in progress
While many citations are cross-posted, we recommend perusing all categories that might be relevant to your research.
As is true of everything on Dante Today, compiling the bibliography depends on crowd-sourcing.
Please send source sightings, as well as any thoughts, comments, or questions, to [email protected] and [email protected].