Maru Ceballos, La Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri – Paraíso 26 (2021)
Other Web Resources
- Dante Online (Societa’ Dantesca Italiana, in English and Italian)
- Dante e il Cinema (rich source of references to Dante in film and performance)
- The Dante Society of America
- Danteworlds (excellent resource to accompany the reading and study of the Commedia)
- Dartmouth Dante Project (for searching the Commedia and numerous commentaries)
- Dartmouth’s Dante Lab Reader
- Digital Dante (original research and contemporary scholarship on Dante’s works and influences, Columbia University) with the Commento Baroliniano
- Electronic Bulletin of The Dante Society of America
- Museo Casa di Dante
- Otfried Liberknecht’s collection of Dante resources
- Princeton Dante Project
- Renaissance Dante in Print (Wikipedia’s “Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy in Popular Culture”)
- The World of Dante (excellent resource to accompany the reading and study of the Commedia)