Bárbara Pistoia’s Illustration for Purgatorio 33 (2018)
Bárbara Pistoia is a visual artist and essayist. Her work has appeared in the anthologies Ensayos x la identidad (2007), and Matar al macho (2019), and in 2017 published Dinosaurios, a book of illustration. As part of the #Dante2018 social media movement, Pistoia created the above art of Dante and Beatrice for Canto 33 of Purgatorio.
To see of more of Pistoia’s work, you can follow her on Twitter and on her blog. Additionally, Pistoia coordinates Hiiipower Club, an online space dedicated to hip hop culture and black artists.
See other posts related to #Dante2018 here.
Contributed by Pablo Maurette (Florida State University)
Sighting Citation:
“Bárbara Pistoia’s Illustration for Purgatorio 33 (2018).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. August 30, 2019. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/barbara-pistoias-illustration-for-purgatorio-33-2018/.
Posted August 30, 2019