Megiddo, The Atavism of Evil (2002)
The Atavism of Evil is a metal album released by Canadian band Megiddo in 2002. The album art features a Gustave Doré piece from his illustration of the Inferno. The illustration used is The Erinnys from Canto 9.
Find The Atavism of Evil here.
Find The Erinnys by Gustave Doré here.
Contributed by Gianluca Giuseffi Grippa
Sighting Citation:
“Megiddo, The Atavism of Evil (2002).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. April 16, 2023.
Posted April 16, 2023