“Canto per Canto” series 2021
Canto per Canto: Conversations with Dante in Our Time is a collaborative initiative between New York University’s Department of Italian Studies and Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, and the Dante Society of America. The aim is to produce podcast conversations about all 100 cantos of the Divine Comedy, to be completed within the seventh centenary of Dante’s death in 2021.
Sighting Citation:
““Canto per Canto” series 2021.” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. April 14, 2021. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/steal-this-poem-dennis-looney-and-arielle-saiber-on-inf-24-for-canto-per-canto/.
Posted April 14, 2021