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“Dante’s Inferno: It’s Time for the Lost Sequel”

Dante’s Inferno: It’s Time for the Lost Sequel”

“Rumors have been surfacing regarding the potential return of an old franchise that is expected to be announced during next month’s EA Play.

“Dante’s Inferno is a fantastic game that received a lot of marketing and heavy support from EA at the time, even having a Super Bowl ad. It also received generally positive reviews and was impressive-looking for its time. Even though it has some graphic elements, it caused little controversy and went on to inspire a comic, an animated short, and a planned film adaptation.

“Dante’s Inferno was fantastic, but it didn’t get a chance to blossom. Instead of resurrecting games and franchises everyone knows and already loves, it’s time for the industry to pay attention to some underrated gems, giving life to titles that could have flourished if given the chance. Dante’s Inferno is a prime candidate for such treatment — after all, dark beat ’em ups certainly haven’t gone out of style.” [. . .]    –Gina Roberts, “Dante’s Inferno: It’s Time for the Lost Sequel,” Comic Book ResourcesJune 22, 2021 (retrieved January 12, 2022)

Sighting Citation:

““Dante’s Inferno: It’s Time for the Lost Sequel”.” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. January 13, 2022.